
Celebrate 2024 Year of the Wulong Dragon

2024! It’s our year - Year of the Dragon!

Wulong wishes you abundant health in 2024 the Chinese Year of the Wood Dragon.

It’s a special year for Wulong to celebrate the symbol of our school - Wulong translates to "martial arts dragon" in English - highlighting our highly successful online and in person wushu, taichi and qigong training provided by Australia’s most professional taichi, qigong and wushu teacher and practitioner, Professor Lily Sun.

In the Chinese culture, the dragon represents good luck, strength, and health. So it’s the perfect time to wake your inner dragon and join a Wulong class today to experience the renewal of body and spirit that Wulong students experience and set the foundations for your future health.

Read more about Wulong benefits at https://www.wulongtaichi.com.au/benefits

Check out our class schedule and register today at https://www.wulongtaichi.com.au/tai-chi-classes

As well as her always high standard professional training, this year Professor Lily will host two special workshops. One qigong workshop in May and one tai chi workshop in November.

More information will be released soon!! So like and follow our social media to keep up with the latest details

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/wulongtaichi

Instagram https://instagram.com/wulongtaichikungfu?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

Wulong Success at 2023 WTQA Festival

UPDATE: Since the competition, the WTQA Committee has decided to award gold medals in the Qigong team competition to the Wulong Tai Chi Kung Fu team for performance of Taiji Yang Sheng Zhang (Stick Qigong) routine. Our team were previously awarded the bronze medals in a combined Tai Chi / Qigong team competition. And … our other performance of Tai Chi Fan 18 form, which previously came In fourth place, is now awarded bronze medals. What a great result!!

Big day out for Wulong at the 2023 Wushu Tai Chi Qigong Australia (WTQA) Festival. Gold, silver and bronze for our tai chi and qigong individual and team competitors!! And most honoured guest status for Professor Lily. Well deserved!

Grateful thanks to WTQA President Sam Au and organising team for the outstanding day.

What a day it was! With special performances from the masters, a massed Beijing 24 performance and a special interactive qigong activity led by Wulong’s own Lucy Keenan. So relaxing! Nearly all competitors and audience members were on their feet breathing and stretching.

Wulong's small team made quite the impact, walking away with Qigong Overall Champion trophy and 1 Gold, 1 Silver and 6 bronze medals.

Roland Heath - Qigong Gold Medal and overall Qigong Champion

Rowan Dinning - Tai Chi Silver and Bronze Medals

Qigong Team - Ann Whitfield, Anne Price, Kathy Campelj, Helen Simmonds and Roland Heath - Bronze medal.

Special shout out and congratulations to Melbourne University Wushu Kung Fu, also coached by Professor Lily. Many individual medals and overall Wushu Champion Connor McGowan.

Big thanks to Michael, Jenny, Sharna, and Ros, our cheer squad and paparazzi crew. We thank you! 

Source: Archivist Media

Professor Sun Han Xiang (Lily) awarded 8th Duan in Wushu


Many congratulations to Professor Sun Han Xiang (Lily), a well-known Chinese Wushu professional and the founder of Wulong Tai Chi Kung Fu for her great success in achieving 8th Duan in Wushu from the Chinese Wushu Association at the Official Duanwei Grading on July 21, 2016 in Beijing, China. She was the only master awarded such a high level of Wushu Duan Wei at this international event. Professor Wu Bin (Jet Li’s coach in the Beijing Wushu team), an honourable member and leader of the examination committee, called Lily personally to congratulate her 8th Duan award, he told her he had not seen such an impressive show of Piguaquan in recent memory.

In her application for her 8th Duan, Professor Lily Sun had to complete a series of written and oral examinations. Her grading preparation started before the official examinations in Beijing. She was required to submit videos of her weapon and bare hands forms, 8 different routines in total, to demonstrate her technical abilities. Lily fully satisfied the selection committee with her sound contributions to Wushu and Tai Chi in both China and Australia, which included both her written contributions in form of articles and thesis and her contribution to the Wushu community by helping grow the Wushu community internationally. In her technical examination, Lily belying her age, completed two high energy and impact routines in Piguaquan and Jianshu (Straight Sword) impressing both the Judging panel and her fellow coaches. After seeing her performance, head coaches from Spain, Italy, Japan and many other countries all invited Lily to run seminars and training courses in their respective clubs.

We sincerely congratulate this well deserved and long anticipated achievement. Lily was the youngest, and one of a very small number of the Wushu community granted a 7th Duan in the first round of national Wushu Duanwei examination in China in 2001. She went through the whole process of the 8th Duan examination a few years ago, but could not receive her 8th Duan because she did not meet the age requirement of being over 50 years old! Now with her sights on 9th Duan, Lily finds herself again too young, and having to wait a further 15 years before she is old enough to apply.