BaDuanJin Improves Fatigue

Numerous research studies have suggested that Baduanjin, a traditional Chinese exercise, can alleviate fatigue symptoms in patients with various illnesses.

Fatigue is a complex symptom resulting in significant impairment of the ability to function at the usual capacity. It comes in many forms, physical exhaustion, mental fatigue, or emotional burnout, and can have a profound impact on overall well-being and quality of life. Human fatigue is associated with a range of symptoms, including low mood, reduced vitality, boredom, and sleep disturbances. In severe cases, individuals may also experience muscle pain, weakness, and weight loss. Disease-related fatigue, which can be caused by the illness or its treatment, is characterized by a persistent feeling of exhaustion. Among various types of disease-related fatigue, cancer-related fatigue is the most prevalent and can significantly affect patients’ quality of life.

Baduanjin emphasizes the feeling of movement and breathing, and the most prominent feature is that it is composed of 8 simple movements, which is very suitable for ordinary people to practice.

Research in China showed that Baduanjin has the potential to improve the overall intensity of fatigue in patients with a variety of diseases. In addition, the duration, frequency, number of interventions, sex, age, fatigue type, and practice location did not significantly affect the effectiveness of Baduanjin.

Baduanjin boosts energy by increasing oxygen intake, stimulating blood circulation, and enhancing vitality, thus reducing fatigue. This ancient Chinese exercise promotes muscle & joint health, improves strength and flexibility, and reduces soreness and stiffness. Additionally, its calming and meditative aspects reduce stress, crucial for mental and physical fatigue because focusing on stress reduction improves overall energy and wellness.

Baduanjin qigong has many other health benefits, including promoting the smooth flow of meridians, promoting blood circulation, regulating visceral function, strengthening the body immunity, and expelling harmful toxins. These effects can improve sleep, mood regulation, and management of blood lipid levels.

Regular practice of Baduanjin qigong can also help individuals to maintain their physical fitness and overall well-being. Baduanjin is a set of aerobic exercises that are believed to improve overall health and promote a smooth flow of energy throughout the body. Baduanjin is comprised of 8 distinct exercises, each focusing on different physical areas and meridians, and emphasizes the cultivation of both physical and psychological well-being through balanced maintenance of body and mind.

If you are looking for a taichi program to reduce fatigue, try a Wulong class today. Click here to see all our class locations and timings.